Star Wars: Action Figure Variant Covers #1
Now, almost 100 of Christopher’s covers - featuring everyone from Ackbar to Zuckuss - are assembled, in all their full-size glory, in this instant collector’s item issue. And you don’t even have to agonise over taking them out of the box!

Star Wars: Action Figure Variant Covers #1
Get the ultimate Star Wars action figure collection, in one single, giant-sized comic book! As a child, John Tyler Christopher spent his days playing with Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and his beloved Boba Fett.

Star Wars: Empire Ascendant #1 : Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Outfit
Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Outfit

Star Wars #69: EV-9D9

Star Wars #66 : Han Solo - Trench Coat
The Battle of Endor theme continues ... Before you get tied up for an Ewok BBQ, find yourself a good trench coat.

Star Wars #64 : Wonderworld Comics
Features cover art of the original Sears catalog exclusive Creature Cantina Adventure Set aliens: Greedo, Walrus Man, Hammerhead, and Blue Snaggletooth.

Star Wars #64 : Princess Leia Organa - Boushh Disguise
Return of the Jedi Bounty Hunter disguise

Star Wars #63 : Klaatu - Stiff Guard Outfit
Return Of The Jedi - Klaatu in the Stiff Guard Outfit

Star Wars #59 : Biker Scout
Biker Scouts, also known as Scout troopers - specially trained stormtroopers of the Imperial Army's Stormtrooper Corps.

Star Wars #58 : Leia Organa - Yavin Gown
JTC EXCLUSIVE | Leia Organa:Yavin Gown Action Figure

Star Wars #56 : Gamorrean Guard
Guards straight from Jabba's palace! Food for the pit rancor monster?

Star Wars #55 : Klaatu
Klaatu from Return of the Jedi - took enjoyment in Jabba's executions by rancor in Jabba's Palace.

Star Wars #54 : Squid Head
Return of the Jedi character frequented Jabba’s - Squid Head!

Star Wars #52 : Lando Calrissian: Skiff Guard Disguise
Lando Calrissian from Return of the Jedi

Star Wars #50 : The Emperor
What better character to feature on issue fifty than the leader of the Galactic Empire himself…The Emperor!

Star Wars : Lando Double or Nothing #1
Straight from the frames of the film SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY swaggers a younger and somehow even cockier Lando Calrissian!

Star Wars #46 : Wonderworld Comics
Featuring art of a ‘mail away’ set of three bounty hunters: Boba Fett, IG-88, and Dengar.

Star Wars #40 : Luke Skywalker Yavin Fatigues
JTC Exclusive - Sale Release 25th Jan 2018 (online)

Star Wars #42 : 4-LOM
4-LOM the LOM-series protocol droid who overrode his programming and became an intergalactic thief and later a bounty hunter.

Star Wars #37 : Rebel Commander
SCAR Squadron is back...with their deadliest attack yet!

Star Wars #36 : Leia Organa: Hoth Outfit
The Empire has held Threepio captive for far too long.

Star Wars #35 : Ugnaught

Star Wars: Rogue One — Cassian & K-2SO Special #1
Star Wars: Rogue One — Cassian & K-2SO Special #1

Mace Windu : Hissrich Battle Gear

Star Wars #34 : Han Solo: Hoth Outfit

Darth Vader 2017 #1 : Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith John Tyler Christopher exclusive

Darth Vader 2017 #1 : Anakin Skywalker

Star Wars #31 : Luke Skywalker: Bespin Fatigues
2nd part of Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel( a crossover event )

Star Wars #30 : AT-AT Commander
It seems a battle from Yoda's past has come to Luke's present.

Star Wars : Darth Maul # 1
Bred on hate, fear, and anger…steeped in the ways of darkness…and trained to kill.

Star Wars : Darth Maul # 1 Wonderworld Comics
Darth Maul #1 John Tyler Christopher Wonderworld Comics Store Exclusive Variant

See-Threepio (C-3PO) Removable Limbs
Master Yoda finds himself overpowered and captured!

Star Wars : Darth Maul # 1 : Darth Sidious
Darth Maul #1 – JTC EXCLUSIVE | Darth Sidious

Star Wars #27 : Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) with Sensorscope
Master Yoda finds himself on an all-new world…

Star Wars #26 : Two-Onebee (2-1B)
2-1B surgical droid appears on the cover... Star Wars #26 a legendary adventure of Jedi Master…Yoda!

Star Wars Doctor Aphra #1 : Black Krrsantan
Start of Doctor Aphra's own series. Featuring the Wookiee bounty hunter Black Krrsantan, also known as "Santy"

Darth Vader #25 : Doctor Aphra
It has all built up to this! The final comic in the series. You won't want to miss this ending
Force Awakens #5 : Kylo Ren
Featuring the master of the Knights of Ren himself, Kylo Ren.

Star Wars #23 : Rebel Soldier : Hoth Battle Gear
The rebels have pulled off the impossible…

Star Wars #22 : Dengar
Join Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa for "The Last Flight of the Harbinger"!

Darth Vader #24 : Triple Zero (0-0-0)
Vader is lost in his inner mindscape, lost in visions of the Force!

Darth Vader #23 - BeeTee-One (BT-1)
Vader vs. Morit on the shell of the Executor! DO YOU NEED MORE THAN THAT??? Fine: Cylo’s secret revealed!

Star Wars #21 : Stormtrooper: Hoth Battle Gear
Stormtroopers are about to get even deadlier

Han Solo #1 : Han Solo Carbonite Chamber
Everyone’s favorite scoundrel gets his very own series!

Han Solo #1 : Han Solo Bespin Outfit
Han Solo #1 shows a Han Solo action figure dressed in the iconic outfit from “The Empire Strikes Back.” It’s everyone’s favorite smuggler in full swagger mode.

Darth Vader #21 : Tulon
Tulon Voidgazer was a female human genius engineered and trained by Doctor Cylo to replace the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader as Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice.

Star Wars #19 : Leia Organa: Bespin Gown
Cover enters the Empire Strikes Back period with Bespin Leia.

DARTH VADER #20 : Inspector Thanoth
A New Story Starts Now! “END OF GAMES”. Inspector Thanoth returns with some startling information. Vader may have passed his master’s tests...but will his own schemes prove his undoing?

Poe Dameron #1
Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance...

Poe Dameron #1 (Black & White)
Limited Edition! Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance...

Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1
Tells the story of how C-3PO received a red-colored arm, as seen in the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1 Wonderworld Comics
Tells the story of how C-3PO received a red-colored arm, as seen in the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. (Wonderworld Comics store variant)

Star Wars #17 : Walrus Man
Walrus Man from the memorable cantina scene in Star Wars: A New Hope.

Star Wars #15 : Snaggletooth
Artist Mike Mayhew joins regular series writer Jason Aaron on Star Wars #15 for another special interlude issue, looking back into Obi-Wan Kenobi's story.

Obi-Wan and Anakin #1
Obi-Wan & Anakin will be the first of Marvel's Star Wars comics to explore the period before the Clone Wars.

Star Wars #14 : Hammerhead
Fifth issue of the Star Wars: Vader Down crossover with Star Wars: Darth Vader

Star Wars #13 : R5-D4
Third of six parts in the Star Wars: Vader Down crossover event between Star Wars and Darth Vader

Vader Down - WonderWorld Comics
This cover is a homage to the old style Vintage Star Wars Mail Away/catalog figure sets, exclusively available from WONDERWORLD COMICS

Vader Down #1
Crossover event between the ongoing Star Wars and Darth Vader ongoing series

Star Wars #12 : Greedo
Showdown on the Smuggler’s Moon! Plus: Lightsabers! Loads of Lightsabers! And finally: the truth about Sana Solo

Star Wars #11 : Luke Skywalker : X-Wing Pilot
Chewbacca Unleashed! Skywalker in chains! Han Solo...with a ball and chain?!?

Star Wars #9 - Star Destroyer Commander
Luke's lightsaber has been stolen and he must retrieve it! Meanwhile, the Imperials are closing in on Han and Leia. Set upon them by a mysterious woman from Han’s past!

Star Wars #8 : Tusken Raider
Luke continues his quest to learn about the Jedi. Heading for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant? Plus: Han & Leia are confronted by an unexpected foe!

Star Wars #7 : Stormtrooper
A special one-off tale of Ben Kenobi. Injustice reigns on Tatooine as villainous scum run rampant. Will Ben risk revealing himself to do what's right?

Star Wars #7 : Boba Fett (B&W)
A special one-off tale of Ben Kenobi. Injustice reigns on Tatooine as villainous scum run rampant. Will Ben risk revealing himself to do what's right?

Lando #1 : Lando Calrissian
You know him...you love him...now, join him for his biggest caper as master of charm Lando Calrissian gets his very own comic book!

Star Wars #6 : R2-D2
As Luke goes home in search of the truth about his late mentor. Leia takes Han on a secret mission of vital importance to the Rebellion. Unfortunately, they both run into some unfriendly encounters.

Star Wars #5 : See-Threepio (C-3PO)
As Luke goes home in search of the truth about his late mentor. Leia takes Han on a secret mission of vital importance to the Rebellion. Unfortunately, they both run into some unfriendly encounters.

Star Wars #1 : Luke Skywalker Black and White Sketch
Marvel gave select dealers a Luke Skywalker RRP Action Figure Sketch Exclusive - print run to believed of less than 500 units

Star Wars #4 : Chewbacca
Luke Skywalker is NOT a Jedi—not yet, at least. He's only ever met one Jedi in his life...and he died. So, Luke's quest leads him back to Obi-Wan's home...on Tatooine.

Star Wars #4 Boba Fett
Luke Skywalker is NOT a Jedi—not yet, at least. He's only ever met one Jedi in his life...and he died. So, Luke's quest leads him back to Obi-Wan's home...on Tatooine. Only 5000 copies printed.

Star Wars #3 : Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
The attack on Cymoon-1 comes crashing to an end! Will the Rebels overcome Vader to strike another blow against the Empire? And is Luke ready to be the Jedi Ben wanted him to be?

Princess Leia #1
When Princess Leia Organa was captured by the Empire as a Rebel spy, she never betrayed her convictions, even in the face of the complete destruction of her home world, Alderaan.

Star Wars #2 : Han Solo
The Rebel assault on Cymoon 1 continues. Luke Skywalker – cornered by Darth Vader. Han, Leia, and the others – trapped!

Star Wars #1 : Luke Skywalker
Jason Aaron and John Cassaday bring sci-fi's most epic saga back to Marvel!